Dear All,
Spring Blessings.
I hope you are keeping well during these challenging times. I wanted to send out an email with some advice for health and well-being. There’s a lot of advice around; here are a few suggestions. Please take up those that you feel may be supportive.
Nutritionally, preventative recommendations are to take supplements of vitamin C (1000mg 2-3 times daily). If your stomach is sensitive, it can be taken after food. Other supplements to support immunity are vitamin D, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. A good probiotic is also important, especially with those whohave any digestive issues. Alternatively include yogurt or keffir in your diet.
Nutrivital in Petersfield have a good stock of supplements and will offer you a 10% discount if you register an account with them at put in my practitioner code 44145.
I recommend using culinary herbs and spices in cooking, particularly ginger, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, turmeric, and cloves. Eating several brazilnuts daily will give you a recommended dose of selenium. And seaweeds added to soups can give you a good dose of minerals.
I am offering online herbal consultations, and can send herbal tinctures or Chinese herbal powders by post. I have herbs that can help with a wide range of conditions. Herbs can help boost immunity and to support your health. They can help well-being in areas such as sleep, anxiety and stress. If you are interested please email me on Please pass my email on to anyone who may be interested in a herbal consultation.
As with most people, I am finding my way with a new way of working and thinking about other help I can offer. This could be through demonstrating acupressure on specific points through video calls, prescribing flower essences for emotional support, and talking through general recommendations for health and well-being for you or your family. Please let me know if you might be interested.
Restoring yourself with good sleep and keeping hydrated is important. There are lots of lovely herbal teas to try and teas that you can make from herbs in the garden.
Relaxation, exercise and mindfulness can help us cope with the new set of stresses we may be feeling in the current situation.If you are staying at home, here’s a link to suggestions to help you cope.
Finding time for our interests and passions will help time pass. One of mine will be playing with different herbal recipes. Here are a few to share!
Wild Garlic
Garlic is good to eat during these times of viruses and self-isolation! Chop and mash a clove or two of fresh garlic and let it sit for a few minutes before adding to food as this allows the garlic to oxidize and activates the anti-viral compounds.It can be added to pasta, rice, or honey too! Eat in minimal doses if you are on blood thinning medication.
Wild garlic is used traditionally throughout Europe as a Spring tonic due to its blood-purifying properties. It has similar anti viral health benefits to bulbgarlic. Wild garlic is also thought to lower cholesterol and blood-pressure.I am fortunate to be able to get to a local woods where there’s lots of wild garlic growing.
Wild Garlic Oil- Chop leaves to fill a jar and cover in olive oil. You can add chilli, black pepper, and other spices. Leave to sit for 3 weeks, then sieve out the leaves. This can be used on salads, pasta and pizza.
Wild garlic leaves are also tasty added to stir fries, soups and delicious as a steamed vegetable. They can be used raw in salads or on pasta.
My daughter and I share a nightly look at the skies. The stars are so much brighter since there are fewer planes and emissions. She suggested I share with you some things to look out for, so I will! The next full moon is on April 8th, and itis a Supermoon, so close to the Earth’s horizon. Venus is bright in the west after sunset, and close by is the Pleiades star cluster. I have been fortunate to see the Pleiades on a clear night! Keep well.
With love,
